Donate Today!
We graciously except donations through E-transfer to mattwhetenlegacy@gmail.com or by cheque addressed to Matt Wheten Legacy Tournament.
We are very proud to say that we have donated a total of $30,000 to The Twinkie Foundation, SOYA, Big Brothers Big Sisters of SSM.
We are happy to announce that our 2024 MWLT recipients of proceeds will once again be going to SOYA and Big Brothers, Big Sisters of SSM!

To donate to these great causes the link their websites are:
For the 2023 Matt Wheten Legacy Tournament we decided to go with donating all of the tournament proceeds to SOYA (Save Our Young Adults) and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Sault Ste Marie.
SOYA is a non-profit corporation. They are a local organization created 14 years ago. SOYA invites members of the community who are interested in taking a stand against the substance use crisis at hand. They are here to provide education, awareness, advocacy, information, and support to all those who require help and knowledge.
Big Brothers Big Sisters' commit to Canada’s young people that we will be leaders in providing them with the highest quality, volunteer based mentoring programs. There are many children and youth in Sault Ste. Marie who struggle with societal barriers and face adversities in their lives like detrimental living conditions, family violence, risk factors for mental health, school issues and identity challenges. Big Brothers Big Sisters was implemented to help out these young men and women.

The Twinkie Foundation
The Twinkie Foundation
In the first year of this tournament, the decision to pick where our proceeds would go was an easy choice. The Twinkie Foundation is a local Charity here in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario that helps families of children that need to make hospital trips because of unfortunate circumstances. They help local families and are now moving on to more towns and communities around Sault Ste Marie. To help The Twinkie Foundation grow to help more and more families, you can head over to their website www.thetwinkiefoundation.ca to donate today.